For me, the first trimester is always the hardest. The extreme fatigue, the unending nausea, and the flux of hormones can really make whats supposed to feel like a beautiful blessing seem more like a nightmare. This isn't my first pregnancy, so I know what to expect and how to adapt. A few tweaks in diet and a gentle approach to rest can do wonders. Cue the essentials...
I like the Rainbow Light Prenatal One Food-Based Multivitamin, because its easy on my stomach. I've tried 2-pill prenatals. I've tried traditional store brand prenatal horse pills. I like this brand the best. They are so gentle on my stomach and they don't leave a weird aftertaste when you burp lol. Maybe that's just a me thing.
Simple Truth Natural Almonds are awesome. Really, it doesn't matter the brand these are just what's available at my grocery store of choice. I use these as a natural remedy for migraines. The magnesium helps tremendously. One or 2 handfuls can knock a migraine out if you eat them at early onset. The medicine I traditionally take for my migraines isn't safe during pregnancy or breastfeeding, but this is a great alternative and its cheaper.
Diclegis is a medicine that my OB prescribed for morning sickness. These are a lifesaver! Not only do they help with easing the nausea, they also help with sleep issues. And you don't have to take them everyday which is a plus.
Let's talk about those crazy first trimester mood swings. I have battled depression for the last 15 years. Before I got married and had kids I was able to mask my suffering very well from everyone else except my Mom. What can I say? She knows me like a book.
Now that I'm married, I've had to learn new ways to manage this illness. Some of the ways I manage are through the use of supplements (Vitamins D3 and B12), tons of sun exposure, green smoothies, journaling, and lots of self-care on the weekends. Admittedly, while this may not work for everyone this is what I've decided I'm comfortable with.
Take responsibility for your mental health. If you are suffering get the help you need and if you require medicine please don't feel like you are weak. I come from a very strong Christian background and I'm pretty sure folks mean well when they tell you, "Don't claim that. You just need to trust God and pray." What many don't understand is that Depression is a real ILLNESS. It is a chemical imbalance. It can be measured! It's not just feeling sad about a specific situation. Its the feeling of hopelessness and despair that can make the smallest of tasks seem like a monstrous feat. It can manifest itself in the form of extreme physical pain to the body, the inability to concentrate, the inability to just get out of bed, the inability to fall asleep no matter how exhausted you may be. And what makes it even worse is that if someone were to ask you what you're sad about you'd have absolutely no answer. While I believe wholeheartedly in the power of prayer we would be best in encouraging our loved ones with depression to not only pray, but to seek professional medical attention. Just thought I'd throw that out there. Let it bless you real good! lol
What are some of your first trimester essentials? Let me know in the comment section below!