Wednesday, March 23, 2016

I Must Confess...

When I was a first-time mom I totally felt guilty about blowing off chores, engagements, having company over, etc. even though I was dog tired. Now that I am in my second pregnancy I am not ashamed to admit that my house has fallen to the wayside lol. If it doesn't absolutely have to get done; it hasn't gotten done. That means while I have washed and dried all of our laundry it is literally just staring at me. I have developed a laundry monster and ya know what? I am completely ok with that. I have prepared the girl's room to accommodate the new addition. Ok I must confess I have reverted back to using the crib for the girls. Judge me. I feel it. I don't care though because sometimes I just need a nap and when I get up from my nap I do not want to have to pick up all the clothes they've decided to pull out of the drawers, I don't want to have to keep fussing at them about leaving the curtains alone, and sometimes I just need them to be trapped but safe. I know that in the crib they can't touch anything they aren't supposed to touch and I know that they can nap if the feel the urge.  I'm just not gonna beat myself up about it. I'm tired. And fortunately for me I've been blessed with the opportunity to nurture my body. This is just a phase guys. Sooner than later I'm going to be back running around town with my beauties.

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